
Attending Strata+Hadoop World NY 2014

If you’re the slightest bit interested in data science, big data and everything in between, you should definitely visit one of the Strata+Hadoop World conferences.

With great speakers showcasing stories from the trenches, and industry-leading exhibitors demonstrating their impressive software, I’m having a blast here at Strata+Hadoop World NY 2014.

If you can, make room for yourself at Strata+Hadoop World Barcelona! I can promise that you won’t regret it. 

Ahoj Gamutron

Being a software guy, I pondered what technology this blog should be built with.

I love the Ruby programming language for its brevity and succinctness (amongst others), so some Ruby-based CMS-platform would have been the natural choice.

However, a static website generated by something (like Jekyll) would also have its charms (most of which would mostly be recognized by its author, I’m sure). Really, the choices don’t limit themselves to just Ruby, as also Scala, Python, Go, Erlang, and many others (JavaScript and Node.js included) are technologies with which I would love to fiddle in building a blog.

As I believe that one of the key traits of any person involved in producing technology-based products should be pragmatism, applying this trait to my thought process led me to good old WordPress; the battle-proven blog software that allows you to focus on getting things done (i.e. blogging) instead of voluntarily venturing down a rabbit hole of tech fetichism while reinventing the genre with new and fantastic software (and, admitted, most software geeks secretly dream of doing so).

I like WordPress, I really do, and I think it’s one of the best products ever produced by the open source PHP community – well, perhaps even by the open source community as a whole, I would argue. It has an efficient and well-designed UI, slick workflows and a large community of developers backing it, and the complete package that WordPress constitutes has helped a whole generation of internet users get their own voices heard world-wide.

So, for now being very mature and pragmatic in having chosen WordPress to power this site, I’m free to venture down into all the other gorgeous and geeky rabbit holes that I can think of (and that’s a lot).