The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy)
This brilliant and enlivening article by Nicholas C. Zakas is a compelling tale of some of the key challenges in many working environments and projects involving software development. Recommended for developers and their managers alike!
No Silver Bullet – Essence and Accident in Software Engineering
A seminal paper by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., highlighting some of the erroneous assumptions about potential productivity and tooling improvements which still permeate parts of the IT industry.
The Leprechauns of Software Engineering
“How folklore turns into fact and what to do about it” reads the tagline on the book website, and it is just that: an excellent analysis and exposition of some of the many myths, memes, and mental viruses which are handed from IT professional to IT professional – and often so without any investigation of their scientific background.
One of my all-time favourites on the interwebs is Brain Pickings, an absolutely stunning and beautiful piece of intellectual and humanistic work; uniting arts, philosophy, psychology and other sciences into “(…) a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually — and an inquiry into how to live and what it means to lead a good life.” as the author Maria Popova writes it. An inquiry that continuously inspires and fascinates.
Design Matters
Design Matters is a wonderful podcast series that describes “(…) the broader world of creative culture, featuring wide-ranging and deep conversations with celebrated designers, artists, writers, musicians, and other luminaries” (in the words of Maria Popova). (more information) and (SoundCloud)
The IBM SAGE promotional video
In the 1950s, MIT and IBM was up to something truly awe-inspiring; namely the design, development, and deployment of an air defence system named “Semi-Automatic Ground Environment” (SAGE), which is one of the biggest IT projects ever undertaken.
I first watched the promotional IBM film around 2008 and it still continues to impress me. What a fantastic feat!
Good Math
Mark Chu-Carroll, a PhD computer scientist with a flair for captivating storytelling on math topics (and the author of the blog “Good Math/Bad Math”), has written the book “Good Math”, which is a “(…) guide to some of the most intriguing topics from two thousand years of mathematics.”. For those seeking to explore and understand the inner meaning behind numbers, “Good Math” is certainly a worthwhile read.
Visit the blog ( and the booksite (
Interested in math? Also check out “Learning How to Learn” and TBD for more excellent resources.
Learning How to Learn